Widget Categories: Business
The business hours widget displays the days and times your business is open. This widget is particularly useful for making sure your customers can easily find out when to contact or visit your business, ensuring that you do not lose any potential customers due to a misunderstanding about when you are available.
Business hours set up options
Choose how to build your hours list.
Online. This option will be deprecated.
Build your own.
Click on a day to bring up its setting options.
Working hours. Set the hours for the day
Open 24 hours.
Appointment only.
Click Set Special Days and Holidays to add exceptions to your business hours or to make customers aware of different hours on those days.
Special days and holidays will not show up on the widget until the scheduled day is within 13 days. For instance if May 20th is set as a Special day or holiday, it will not show on the site until May 6th.
Start Week On. Set what calendar day your business week starts on.
Use 24-hour clock. Toggle between a 12-hour AM/PM clock and a 24-hour clock.
Combine days with identical opening hours. If multiple consecutive days in your workweek have identical business hours, this option combines them, so that they appear on the same line.
Title. Select a title to display above your business hours (or hide it by clicking the eye icon).
Business hours can also be configured in the Business Info, located in Content area in the sidebar. For more information see Business Content and Dynamic Content: Business Info, Text, and Images.
To connect the business hours widget to the Business Info: