If your site has a free demo store, you can upgrade the store or remove the store when you republish your site. If you have a paid store, you need to contact support to remove it.
You also have the option to republish without removing the Demo store or upgrading, but there is no checkout possible with the Demo store.
To remove the demo store:
In the editor, on the top navigation bar, click Republish.
Click Yes, remove store.
When you remove the Demo store, the main store widget is removed and any content that you have added is lost. After you remove the Demo store, ensure the following:
Delete the store page from the site.
Delete all store widgets (search, cart).
Republish the site to make the changes live.
Alternatively, after you click Republish, you have the following options:
Publish with free store. Publish the site with the demo store included. This does not include a cart and visitors cannot purchase anything from the store.
Upgrade store. Select the store type from the drop-down. Click Upgrade your store.
After removing the store, you must manually delete all store widgets from your site.
There is no way to undo removing the demo store, including using a backup and restore. You may add a new demo store, if needed.
To remove the demo store without republishing your site:
In the side panel, click Sell Online.
At the top, click the three dots (
), and then click Remove Store.
To confirm, click Remove Store. After removing the demo store, ensure you remove the following widgets from your site:
Product Gallery
Shopping Cart
Store Search