The site, including Membership, native store, or third party store, does not collect your customers' credit card information. That information is not collected, stored, or processed in any way on the site. The supported payment gateways process your customers' payment information. These payment processors can be divided into two groups based on the way they interact with your site.
Payments on the payment processor’s secure page. When a customer places an order, the order information is sent to the payment processor and securely redirects the customer to the payment gateway’s web page where they enter their credit card information. When payment is complete, the payment processor sends a reply confirming payment.
Payments completed without leaving the store page. Some payment processors (Stripe, Square, and so on) are integrated differently. With these payment processors, customers are not redirected. Instead, they see a payment form right on the store’s checkout page.In this case, the store works within a customer’s browser. This way, when a customer enters their credit card information, the data is not transferred to the server where your website or store is located. Your store connects directly to the payment gateway via a highly secure channel and sends a request with the order information. This information is not transferred to the store servers, does not pass through, and is not stored by us. The payment gateway performs all operations with this data and returns a callback confirming payment.
PCI stands for Payment Card Industry, and all transactional add-ons (membership, native store, and third party store) are PCI compliant.
For additional fraud prevention in your store, ensure billing addresses are required:
This is related tothird party store only (the setting should be enabled by default though can be toggled off). Membership and native store have this on by default and it is unable to be turned off.
In the side panel of the editor, click Sell Online, and then click Manage Store.
Click Settings, General, and then click Cart & Checkout.
Under Checkout Settings, ensure the Ask for a billing address during checkout toggle is enabled. Requiring a billing address helps to prevent possible fraudulent transactions.