This information is specific to the Editor 2.0, formerly known as the All-Flex Editor. To identify your current editor version, see How to Identify the Editor Version Your Site Uses .
The Hamburger Menu widget allows you to place and align the menu icons anywhere in the header, or even other areas of the site, while adjusting their color, size, and design. You can select from the icon library or upload your own custom icons. Additionally, you can switch between header presets or create a fully unique design using the advanced header options. To learn more about advanced header editing, see Advanced Header Editing.
Sites created after December 2, 2024 automatically use the new Hamburger Menu widget in the tablet and mobile header. Existing sites will receive a notification that their hamburger menu is being updated to the new Hamburger Menu widget. When the widget is updated, a backup of your site will be created automatically.
To add the Hamburger Menu widget:
In the side panel, click Widgets.
Click and drag the Hamburger Menu widget to the desired spot on the canvas.
To open or close the menu, click the hamburger widget and select either Open Menu or Close Menu from the floating menu. The available options depend on whether the menu is currently open or closed.
Once the menu is open, you can click the navigation links and from the floating menu, click either Manage Links or Edit Design.
To access the design panel, click the Hamburger Menu widget and select Edit Design from the floating menu.
In the Design Panel you can make changes to the alignment, spacing, size, animation, position and style of your Hamburger Menu icon and the X that allows users to close out of the menu. For information about design options that are not specific to this widget, see Widget Design.
Following are current limitations for the Menu icon widget:
Hamburger Menu widget cannot connect to the Content Library.
Cannot add a link as a regular icon.
If you add multiple Hamburger Menu widgets, they will all open the same menu. This means, you must always have at least one Hamburger Menu widget present to open the menu.