Custom sections are pre-built rows with widgets and other features that can be applied to pages on sites in your account. Custom sections can be built and shared with other team members (or even customers) to make the site building process more efficient and consistent.
Account owners and staff members are able to create and save sections for customers to use, but customers cannot create and save their own sections.
Following is how Custom Sections are applied in different versions of the editor:
In Classic Editor, custom sections are applied to rows
In Flex 1.0 or 2.0 and Editor 2.0, custom sections are applied to sections
To create a new section:
Hover between rows and click the +Add Section button that appears.
At the bottom left of the page, click Create Section.
Type a Name your section, and specify the category and visibility level that your section will have using the drop-downs. You can set the visibility level to be:
Private. Only you will see the section.
Staff. All staff members will see the section.
Public. All staff and customers will see the section.
Click Start creating.
In the left panel, click Widgets to open the widgets menu and drag in widgets to your section. You can also right-click the row to edit the design and add a background.
Click Settings to change the name, category, visibility, or thumbnail. You can also delete the widget in this tab.
In the top navigation bar, click Done when you have finished editing your section.
To save a row as a section:
Click on the row button in the top left corner of the row or right-click the row and select the Save as section option. You have the following options:
Select only this row. Select the current row to be included in the section.
Select multiple rows. Select multiple rows on the page to be included in the section.
Select full page. Selects all rows in the body of the page. This does not include the header and footer row.
Type a name for the section and specify the category and visibility level that your section will have using the drop-downs. You can set the visibility level to be:
Private. Only you see the section.
Staff. All staff members see the section.
Public. All staff and customers see the section.
After you set the section settings, to edit a section, click Edit Section or continue to edit the site by clicking the Done button.
The Sections Library provides flexibility and a way to organize your sections. If you create sites with both Classic Editor and Editor 2.0, custom sections created in both editors are visible in the Sections area of the Dashboard.
To open the sections library:
On the dashboard in the top navigation bar, click Custom Assets, and then click Custom Sections.
At the top right, click Manage Categories.
You will see a list of all the categories with the option to show or hide each one at the top of the list. You can toggle these between Visible and Hidden.
To create a new category, click +New Category in the top right hand corner and type a name. It will then be placed at the bottom of the list under the Team Categories sections. These sections can be turned on or off, edited or deleted as needed.
To add a saved section to your site, hover between rows, and click the +Add Section button. Open the Custom Sections panel and select the desired section.
The custom sections displayed are based on which version of the editor you are using. Custom sections can only be used and edited in the editor version they were created with. For example, if you created a custom section in Classic Editor, it will only be available to use on a site built with the Classic Editor. The only exception is custom sections made in flex 2.0 sections (but not flex 1.0) can be used on Editor 2.0 sites.
Custom sections cannot be migrated between versions of the editor.
If you created sites with both Classic Editor and Editor 2.0, custom sections created with both editors are visible in the Custom Sections area of the Dashboard.
Can I use custom sections on multiple different sites?
Yes, custom sections can be applied to multiple sites in your account as long as the editor version is the same as what it was created with. For example, if you created a custom section in Classic Editor, it will only be available to use on a site built with the Classic Editor. The only exception is custom sections made in flex mode can be used on Editor 2.0.
Using the “select full page” as a section option is a great way to apply rows in the body from one site to another site.
Who can create sections?
Customers cannot create a section but they can use a section that has been created by the account owner. Team members with editing permissions also have access to create sections.
How are the sections ordered?
The order of the sections is alphabetical. It cannot be customized.
Can I delete sections?
You can only delete the sections from the section mode. Any team members can delete any sections he can access.
Does the section take the site theme of the site it is added to?
If you overwrite the content in the row that will be used for a section, it will not use the site theme from the website where you’re adding the section. If there are no individual design settings enabled, sections will always take the site theme; for example, if rounded images set in the site theme, the image design will be applied to the section. Theme font will also be applied when you add the section.
How do I make an element look the same in each site without taking the site theme?
You can simply override the site theme by changing the design of the widget in the Design Editor. For example, if you want to override the theme of a button, you must override every element, such as the background and border color, hover colors etc.
Can I add a store or blog widget to a section?
No store or blog widgets can be added to a section. If you add a store or blog widget to the section and save, the section will be saved but the widget will not.
Will links be saved in the section?
External links, emails and page links that exist on the website you’re adding the section to. If you link to the page /contact, but the site you are applying the section to does not have a /contact page, then the link will not work.
Will popups be saved in the section?
If someone is defining a popup, the popup will not be saved with the section.
Will a page background be saved in a section?
Saving a section does not save the page background, but the row background(s) will be saved.