Duda billing validates VAT ID's and charges the appropriate tax amount based on the external tax authority systems; European Commission VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) and the United Kingdom’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). We are required by law to validate your VAT ID. Having an invalid VAT on file may affect how much you’ll be charged in future invoices.
If your VAT ID is not valid you will receive the following message on your dashboard:
“The VAT ID associated with your payment info is invalid. Update the VAT ID or you will be charged VAT the next time you are billed."
This action can only be completed by the account owner; team and staff members do not have this option.
To update your VAT ID, either click the Change VAT ID button in the message on your dashboard, or use the following instructions.
To update your VAT ID:
Log into your dashboard.
Select Payment.
Click Edit in the Billing info & payment method card.
Enter your VAT ID in the VAT ID field (this field will only be visible if you have a country selected that collects VAT). If the VAT ID you enter is invalid, a message will appear under the field.
Click Save.
If your VAT ID is registered for an EU country you can check the validity on the European Commission site: ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/#/vat-validation.
If your VAT ID is registered in the UK you can check the validity on the GOV.UK site: www.gov.uk/check-uk-vat-number.
If your VAT ID is found to be invalid using one of the links above, you will be provided with more information about how to handle this on that website. If the VAT ID is found to be valid, you can resubmit it on your Duda billing info page and we will validate it again.