Our billing system works on a single subscription model. This means that all subscriptions and account billings are charged on a single day each month (Billing Day). On Billing Day, you’ll get up to two charges from Duda: one for all monthly subscriptions, and one for annual subscriptions that are new / renewed. Your Billing Day is set when you purchase your first plan from Duda.
Sites that are included in your plan will be listed on your monthly subscription invoice, and you will not be charged for them. See Site Subscriptions for more information.
If your payment method for billing fails, Duda will automatically bill your payment method up to 5 times in 21 days, with one attempt every 5 days. While we attempt to charge for payment, your account and sites will remain active. If your payment method is not updated by the date listed in the billing emails you have received, your account will be canceled and all your sites will automatically be unpublished. If we see a pattern of taking advantage of this grace period, your account will be restricted to have subscriptions immediately canceled on future charge failures.
This guide is for users on all plans with the exception of invoiced resellers or accounts with a special contract.
All charges are in USD.
Depending on your country's regulations, VAT may be included in your invoice.
If you want to downgrade or cancel your account plan or subscription, see Account Management: Subscription and Cancelation
For store billing FAQs, see Store Add On Billing FAQs.
If your credit card has expired or there are insufficient funds in the account that's being debited, you will see an error message in the dashboard letting you know that the billing has failed.
To update or change your credit card, see Update Credit Card.
If your payment method for billing fails, Duda will automatically bill your payment method up to 5 times in 21 days, with one attempt every 5 days. While we attempt to charge for payment, your account and sites will remain active. If your payment method is not updated by the date listed in the billing emails you have received, your account will be canceled and all your sites will automatically be unpublished. If we see a pattern of taking advantage of this grace period, your account will be restricted to have subscriptions immediately canceled on future charge failures.
Your account plan is charged either monthly or annually (for current plan options, see Plans) on your Billing Day. The charge is part of your monthly (or annual) invoice every time the plan renews.
For detailed information on managing your plan subscription, see Account Management: Subscription and Cancelation.
If you want to downgrade or cancel your account plan or subscription, see Account Management: Subscription and Cancelation
Sites are charged either monthly or annually. Every month, you are charged for all sites with active monthly subscriptions that were purchased or renewed that month. Sites with annual subscriptions are charged once a year, on the annual subscription invoice issued for the month in which they were purchased / renewed.
For detailed information on individual site subscriptions, see Site Management: Subscription and Deletion.
In each account plan, there’s a number of sites that can be published at no charge. These are called Included Sites. To see how many sites come with each plan, see Plans.
Sites on yearly subscriptions cannot be counted towards the included sites.
All sites will show a charge. However, a credit will be applied for up to the number of sites included (only sites on a monthly plan can be included). Your invoice will include a line item detailing this credit.
If one of your included sites has a store on a monthly subscription, you’ll be charged for the cost of the store, but not for the cost of the site.
Agency plans purchased before July 2020 may have 8 included sites.
Sites purchased as Site-for-Life are not counted as included sites. New Site-for-Life plans are no longer available for purchase.
This process is automatic. All you need to do is ensure that the number of sites included in your plan are on a monthly subscription. Please note, sites on yearly subscriptions cannot be counted towards the included sites and will continue to be billed.
Newly published sites will automatically be placed on a monthly subscription and counted towards the included sites. Once you have reached the number of included sites, when publishing additional sites you will have the option to select either a monthly or yearly subscription.
If you have exactly the number of sites on a monthly subscription that your plan includes, and you unpublish one of these sites and disable auto-renew, you will need to either publish another site with a monthly subscription or convert one of your yearly subscription sites to monthly. This adjustment ensures you continue to receive full credit for the number of sites included in your plan. This change is not necessary if you already have more sites on a monthly subscription than your plan includes.
When changing the subscription of a site from annual to monthly, it can take up to 2 months for this to be reflected in your invoice.
If you upgrade to a plan that includes more sites than you currently have on a monthly subscription, you will need to either publish additional sites with a monthly subscription or convert any yearly subscriptions sites to monthly.
You’ll be charged for your sites as long as their subscriptions are active. Subscriptions automatically renew every month or year, depending upon their plan. Unpublishing a site does not necessarily stop its auto renewal. To stop a site from renewing, see Disable Auto-Renew (Cancel Site Subscription).
Let's say you did the following:
Started your Duda trial on January 1, 2024.
Published your first site on January 5, 2024 on the monthly plan (to ensure it will counted as your included site once you upgrade; annual sites are not counted towards included sites).
Purchased a Team Account Plan on an annual subscription on January 10, 2024. Your Billing Day is now the 10th day of the month.
Published your second site with a monthly subscription on January 20, 2024.
Published your third site with an annual subscription on February 15, 2024.
You'll be billed in the following way:
On January 10, 2024:
Annual payment for Team account plan.
First published site: $0 (It’s an included site with the Team plan).
The total will only be the annual payment for the Team account plan (your invoice will display a charge for the included site as one line item, accompanied by a corresponding credit line item to offset it).
On February 10, 2024 (next Billing Day):
First published site: $0 (included site with plan).
Monthly payment for second published site.
Total will only be the amount for the second monthly site.
On March 10, 2024 (subsequent Billing Day):
First published site: $0 (Included Site with plan).
Monthly payment for second published site.
Annual payment for third published site.
Total will be the second monthly site plus the one annual site.
If you keep these subscriptions active and don’t publish any other sites, Duda will:
Bill you for the second monthly site on the 10th of each month, and bill you $0 for your included site (your invoice will display a charge for it, accompanied by a corresponding credit line item to offset it).
Bill you every January 10 for your Team account plan (plus the second monthly site).
Bill you every March 10 for your site with an annual subscription (plus the second monthly site).
If you change a site or account subscription to one with a higher price, the unused portion of money that you already paid may automatically prorate and go towards the upgrade if you do one of the following:
Change a site subscription from monthly to annual
Change a plan subscription from monthly to annual
Upgrade a plan (Basic to Team, Basic to Agency, etc)
Add a store to a site that has a subscription
Upgrade a store (Standard to Advanced, Advanced to Unlimited)
Upgrade an app
Proration works the same way in all of these cases. We calculate the number of days for which you were already billed, divide by the total number of days in the subscription, and prorate accordingly.
Each app purchase comes with its own independent subscription.
App subscriptions can be created even if there is no site subscription (for example, if the site has not been published yet, and has no subscription).
To stop an app subscription from renewing, simply uninstall the app from the site.
Unpublishing a site and/or setting its subscription to Do not renew does not affect any app subscriptions on the site. If you leave a paid app on a site, even if the site is unpublished or has no subscription, you will still be billed for it. This is because some apps deliver value even when the site is unpublished; for example a CRM application with a business contact list.
Each month on your account's Billing Date you’ll receive two invoices from Duda:
Annual subscription invoice. For all annual subscriptions that were renewed since the last Billing Day, and all newly purchased annual subscriptions.
Monthly subscription invoice. For all monthly subscriptions that were renewed since the last Billing Day and all newly purchased monthly subscriptions.
Invoices for premium images are emailed immediately.
To change any details on the invoice, see Update Invoice Details.
This action can only be completed by the account owner; team and staff members do not have this option.
All invoices are accessible under the Payment screen:
Open your account dashboard.
Select Payment from the drop-down menu.
On this page, you can access both current and past invoices.
To view specific invoices, choose the desired month from the dropdown menu that shows the currently visible invoice. Use the arrow icons to expand details for each payment item.
To download/print the invoice you are currently viewing, click on the download icon (only available for current and past invoices).
To navigate to a specific site's payment page, click on the gear icon next to the desired site listed in the invoice.
If you don't see the Payment option in the drop down (and you are logged in as the account owner) or you are an invoiced reseller or an account with a special contract, please contact our billing team. Please submit a ticket through our chat bot (see Duda Support).
If your credit card has expired or there are insufficient funds in the account that's being debited, you will see an error message in the dashboard letting you know that the billing for that premium site has failed.
If your payment method for billing fails, Duda will automatically bill your payment method up to 5 times in 21 days, with one attempt every 5 days. While we attempt to charge for payment, your account and sites will remain active. If your payment method is not updated by the date listed in the billing emails you have received, your account will be canceled and all your sites will automatically be unpublished. If we see a pattern of taking advantage of this grace period, your account will be restricted to have subscriptions immediately canceled on future charge failures.
To update your payment information, please see Update Your Invoice Information and Payment Method.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to pay from your Duda account using your clients credit card to pay for their site. The account owner is the sole responsible party for Duda payments, and we only accept one card per account.
Client Billing allows you to charge your clients (either one-time fees, or ongoing subscriptions) both for Duda sites and for any other services you provide. However, client billing operates independently from your account billing, meaning that payments from your customers cannot be directly credited to your account balance. To learn more, see Client Billing Overview.
The reason being, our billing system keeps all the cards you enter in a payment profile to use for all sites. Say one of your clients fails to pay for the site. What happens here is it will switch that site to a new card, billing one of your clients for a different client's site. If you have multiple sites that are failing, it will all default to one clients card, which may cause some problems between you and your client.
More importantly, any client you have who is paying for the site will see DUDA BLS in their billing statement (breaking white label). They'll be able to look up the Duda charge and see that it's a Duda bill and may even contact us for more information.
If you are seeing duplicate charges on your card, please check to see:
How many premium sites are on your dashboard. Every premium and business+ site means it is a site with a subscription attached to it.
Check other accounts to see if you have another site on that account.
If you are still unable to match up the billing invoices to any paid sites, please contact our billing team. Please submit a ticket through our chat bot (see Duda Support).
To change any details on the invoice, see Update Invoice Details.
If you are an invoiced reseller or an account with a special contract, please contact our billing team. Please submit a ticket through our chat bot (see Duda Support).
Account plans dictate your level of access to the system features and the number of included sites.
Site subscriptions are purchased individually for each published site after you surpass the number of sites included in your account plan.
Once you’ve chosen to move forward and use Duda as your site building platform, you need to purchase an Account plan to continue to use the platform after your trial.
The account plan you choose will dictate your level of access to the system features and the number of included sites. For example, the Team plan allows you to add team/staff to your account, while the Basic plan does not. These plans are available in monthly or annual terms and the differences. For a breakdown of costs and features for each plan, see Plans.
After you’ve selected an Account plan, you still need to purchase individual site subscriptions for each site you decide to publish and take live within your account (after you surpass the number of included sites). These can be purchased on monthly or annual basis and can include the Store Add-on.
After you’ve selected an Account plan, you still need to purchase individual site subscriptions for each site you decide to publish and take live within your account (after you surpass the number of included sites). These can be purchased on monthly or annual basis and can include the Store Add-on. For eCommerce plans, see eCommerce Plans.
To view sites you are currently being charged for:
Open your account dashboard.
Select Payment from the drop-down menu.
Sites will be broken down into two main categories with additional subcategory's, depending on if there are any add-ons (such as eCommerce or apps). Each subcategory will have a total quantity.
The two main categories are:
Monthly sites
At the top of the Monthly category, there will be a line item indicating the number of sites you received credit for. This number reflects the sites included in your plan, or fewer if you have published less than the number of included sites.
Annual sites
The listed annual sites are not comprehensive; only the annual sites that renewed on the invoice will be included.
Click on one of the arrow next to a category to view the sites in the category.
(Optional) Click the gear icon for a site to navigate to the site's plan page.