You can quickly and easily transfer your site to a different account from within the platform, as long as the account you are transferring it to has an active subscription.
The following sites cannot be transferred:
Sites with current add-on subscriptions, such as paid apps.
Site-for-Life sites
Sites set up in Client Billing
Sites with an unpaid invoice
Other important considerations when transferring a site:
Custom widgets are transferred with the site, but the account the site is transfered to must contain the same custom widget or else it will not work properly on the site.
Contact form responses might not transfer.
In order to transfer sites, team members must be in the Admin permission group or minimally have permissions to Delete Sites and Publish. For more information, see Manage Team Members.
To transfer your site:
From the Dashboard, click Dashboard icon (
) for the site you want to transfer.
Click the three dots icon (
) and select Transfer Site.
Click Copy Transfer Link. This link expires after 24 hours.
Send the link to the account you want to transfer your site to (for example, paste it into the body of an email). If you are not going to accept the transfer on behalf of the new owner, the new owner needs to complete steps 5 and 6.
If you will be accepting the transfer on behalf of the new owner, open the transfer link in a browser, and log in as an account owner to the account you are transferring your site to. If you are not logged in as the account owner, the transfer will not work.
Click Accept Site Transfer. You have the option to preview the site before accepting the transfer.
Once the site has been transferred, the site’s subscription will be canceled and the site will be unpublished. The account owner that the site was transferred to will need to select a subscription for the site in order to take it live. Once the new subscription is paid for, you can republish the site.